Hopetimize ® is our new, dynamic, digital hope enhancement platform that is positioned to transform the way people around the world confront life’s challenges, aging and illness.
Rigorous research is investigating the impact of our personalized, cost-effective, interactive tool to determine quality of life, longevity, and compassionate care. Hopetimize ® offers the physician, the patient, and the caregiver effective health care management and decision making.
Hopetimize ® is continuously being validated by leading international health care and scientific forums, and it is already impacting tens of thousands of patients and professionals.
The Science of Hope
Our Hopetimize platform is rooted in “hope theory” as posited by Professor Rick Snyder from the University of Kansas, who portrayed hope as a goal-oriented cognitive construct with affective and behavioral implications.
Within this framework, hope is predicated on three components: establishment of plausible goals, creation of pathways to reach those goals, and motivation to set out on such a journey.
For the first time, thanks to the efforts of Life’s Door, Snyder’s paradigm is being comprehensively applied to the holistic care of patients, elderly citizens and their families. In doing so, Life’s Door programs galvanize patients to be more motivated to implement wise lifestyle changes, to keep up with their treatment and well-being regime, and to achieve proactive QOL goals.
Our Digital Platform
We are presently transferring our hope enhancement intervention to a completely digital platform, and are about to launch an innovative approach that will transform the way people around the world confront and experience aging, illness, and end of life.
We have called this initiative “ Hopetimize ® ”.
Hopetimize ® is a word-contraction that implies harnessing the many merits of realistic hope to optimize life.
The Hopetimize program is being offered to health-care providers, care-givers, and volunteers in an effort to modulate hopefulness. We have observed that our tool minimizes staff burnout, and improves QOL for participants trained in “hope enhancement”. We are also exploring the potential for the Hopetimize platform to improve adherence to treatment interventions.
As we stand at the dawn of this hope-enhancement breakthrough, we are excited to build on collaborative partnerships to further research the potentially transformative impact of the Hopetimize® intervention, and its positive effects.
What We Can Do For Your Organization
We have observed that Hopetimize ® minimizes staff burnout, and improves quality of life for participants trained in “hope enhancement”. It galvanizes the members of any type of organization to be more motivated, to implement wise lifestyle changes, and to achieve proactive goals.
We invite collaborative partnerships in which we share our unique, transformative hope-enhancement knowledge and experience, and the use of our Hopetimize® digital technology.
We will tailor-make our Hopetimize ® introductory and training package to meet your goals and requirements, and to cater for your unique organizational values, expectations, and practices.
Please take a look below at our menu of products and services, and contact us to explore the benefits that Hopetimize ® could offer your team.
Hopetimize ® Professionals Training Program
We are offering a range of lectures, seminars, workshops, and certifications to the health care, community, commercial, and educational sectors, to empower your professionals and volunteers to have greater impact through our hope optimization approach.
Customized Hopetimize ® Keynote Lecture- zoom or live
Hopetimize ® Introductory Workshop
Hopetimize ® Motivational Experience
Hopetimize ® Workshop for Professionals
Certified Hopetimize ® Facilitator Training
Hopetimize ® Your Organization
A holistic, transformative initiative to integrate Hopetimize ® theory, language, methodology, tools, and practice into the core of your organizational culture.
Customized inspirational Introductory Hopetimize ® Lecture- Zoom or live
- Series of customized Hopetimize team workshops.
- Series of customized “ Hopetimize ™ Your Life” workshops for individuals.
Hopetimize ™ Your Community
Enhance and upgrade the function, culture, and advancement of your community’s individual and collective identity with our Hopetimize ® mutual enrichment program.
Customized inspirational introductory Hopetimize ® Lecture- Zoom or live
Series of customized Hopetimize ® training seminars for professional personnel.
Series of customized of “Hopetimize ® Your Life” workshops for lay members.
Please email hopetimize@lifesdoor.org
Invest In Us
If you are a passionate philanthropic leader or corporate foundation wanting to make a social impact please click here