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Every person deserves to be valued, respected and to live with hope. Life’s Door has embarked on a mission...
Save the date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 The 23rd annual Ministry of Elderly conference, Prof. Ben Corn, keynote speaker
Professor Benjamin W. Corn, who heads the Institute of Radiotherapy at Tel Aviv Medical Center, received the 2017 Sylvan Adams...
C was my first patient. Every week we met to talk. Over time, C told me that she had written...
We are proud to share with you that Prof. Ben Corn was named a recipient of the prestigious Bonei Zion...
[caption id="attachment_2750" align="alignnone" width="408"] Life's Door is proud to partner with the Joint chaplaincy Committee of the Jewish Federation of...
While flying back on EL AL flight # 030 from Toronto today, I realized that I should adjust a notation...